Other coaches

Other coaches





Sales coaches

NameWhat kind of coaching do you do?WebsiteLinkedinRate and pricingIdeal client & kinds of help/problems you like to solveWho can't you help?Preferred coaching structureIn your own words
GrowthProduct marketingEntrepreneurshipGo-to-market

A B2B agency or start-up that is in the middle of creating a repeatable and scalable sales process to make the leap from 5 million in yearly revenue towards 50.

I'm specialized in B2B companies -experienced with software and technical products-, but open to all B2B start- and scale-ups.

weekly or bi-weekly consulting

A marketing coach and growth lead with 10+ years of experience with B2B start-ups and scale-ups.

Leadership coachingProductGeneral management

Series A+ product leaders and execs.

Typically a weekly or biweekly zoom and asynchronous communication.

Greg is an executive coach and leadership advisor in NYC with 20+ years experience as a tech executive. He's a former Chief Product Officer on the executive team for multiple SaaS and consumer companies, where he led Product, Marketing, Data Analytics, and Operations. Greg earned a Wharton MBA, and coach training from Co-Active (CTI), Conscious Leadership Group, and Positive Intelligence.

ProductProduct marketingProduct DesignLeadership coachingGo-to-marketGeneral management

I coach Product Leaders and Product teams looking to supercharge their product practice and move from delivering simple outputs to impactful, customer-led outcomes.

HR/People opsLeadership coachingEntrepreneurshipGrowth

Here's a description of my ideal client: My ideal client is a senior leader, founder, or C-suite executive who is passionate about making a positive impact in their organization and the world. They are forward-thinking, innovative, and committed to personal and professional growth. They understand that the world of work is changing rapidly, and they want to develop the skills and mindset needed to thrive in this new landscape. I have a particular affinity for working with leaders in the tech industry, having run and started my own company in the past. I understand the unique challenges and opportunities that come with leading a tech organization, and I'm passionate about helping tech leaders navigate the complexities of the industry while staying true to their values and vision. I also have experience working with leaders in the biotech, education reform, and startup sectors. Whether you're a VC-backed startup in HR tech or family tech, or a more established organization looking to innovate and adapt to change, I bring a deep understanding of the challenges you face and a commitment to helping you achieve your greatest potential. My ideal client is someone who is ready to take a deep dive into their leadership style, strengths, and areas for growth. They are open to feedback, willing to experiment with new approaches, and committed to creating lasting change in their organization and beyond. They value authenticity, empathy, and impact, and they want to work with a coach who shares those values. If this sounds like you, I'd love to explore how we can work together to help you achieve your goals and make a meaningful difference in the world. Let's schedule a conversation to discuss your challenges and opportunities, and see if we're a good fit.

If you're looking for executive functioning coaching, I may not be the right coach for you. My focus is more on leadership development and navigating change, so if you need specific support with things like time management, organization, or attention, you might be better served by a coach who specializes in those areas. I also may not be the best fit if you're looking for heavy ops orientation. While I have experience with both B2C and B2B businesses, my coaching approach is more geared towards helping leaders develop their emotional intelligence, adaptability, and strategic thinking skills. If you're looking for someone to help you optimize your operations or streamline your processes, you might want to look for a coach with more of an ops background. If you're an early manager with no experience managing others, I may not be the right coach for you either. While I can certainly help you develop your leadership skills, it might be more beneficial for you to start with a coach or training program that's specifically designed for new managers. Once you've got some experience under your belt, I'd be happy to work with you on more advanced leadership challenges. Finally, if you're someone who hates change, I might not be the best fit for you. My approach is all about helping leaders navigate change and develop the skills they need to thrive in a constantly evolving world. If you're resistant to change or prefer to stick with the status quo, you might find my coaching style challenging. Ultimately, my goal is to work with clients who are open to growth, willing to step outside their comfort zone, and committed to making lasting changes in their leadership and life.

Here's my approach to working with individual clients: I believe that real change takes time and commitment, which is why I typically ask for a minimum engagement of 6 months. During this time, we'll have bi-weekly sessions lasting 60-90 minutes, where we'll dive deep into your challenges, goals, and aspirations. But I know that sometimes, you need support between sessions, which is why I also offer two 20-minute spot coaching sessions each month. These are perfect for when you need a quick dose of guidance or motivation. In addition to our scheduled sessions, I provide continuous email support and promise to respond within 48 hours. I'm here for you whenever you need me, and I'm committed to being your partner in growth and success. I also believe in using the right tools and resources to support your journey. That's why I offer Voxer communication, which allows us to send voice messages back and forth, as well as private accountability tools and resources that are tailored to your specific needs. And if you need additional assessments along the way, we can absolutely add those to our engagement. Also-I always believe in doing a first coaching session or chemistry call on me to see if we feel like a fit. :)

I've been coaching and consulting for nearly two decades now, and I've seen firsthand how challenging it can be for leaders who want to make a lasting impact in a world where change happens at a breakneck pace one minute and then seems to stall the next. That's why I'm committed to to guide leaders through these professional challenges and play to their strengths and vision. My approach is a blend of theory, research, and practical experience, which allows me to provide empathetic, intuitive, and customized support. I focus on helping leaders enhance their self-awareness and adaptability, and I offer a comprehensive perspective on the leadership challenges they face. A big part of my work is helping leaders transition from reactive to creative thinking, which is where my SHIFT framework (Security, Horizon, Impact, Fluidity, and Ties) comes in. It's designed to equip leaders with the tools they need to navigate the ups and downs of today's work cultures. In addition to my coaching and consulting work, I've also got some experience as a tech founder. I helped build a platform, raised funds, went through an accelerator program, and launched both B2C and B2B businesses. It's given me a unique perspective on the challenges that leaders face in both the consumer and business worlds. I've worked with clients across a range of sectors, from professional services and advertising to higher education, technology, and non-profits. It's been incredibly rewarding to see the significant advancements they've made in both their professional capabilities and personal satisfaction. Whether it's through one-on-one coaching, team workshops or workshops, my goal is always to help leaders become more authentic and impactful in their roles.

EngineeringEngineering managementGo-to-marketProduct DesignProduct

My ideal client is a HW startup that hasn't built out an internal team completely (i.e. ME, EE, Quality, Manufacturing, etc.) and needs advising on how to grow their internal team vs. what to engage w/ Contract Manufacturers (CMs) on. I can also support CM engagement to help keep an internal team right-sized. My contract work is primarily with executives that are looking for a one-stop-shop in concept development. I can vet ideas, develop a story, create concept CAD & renders, and cost an idea quickly before you send it to a CM or add it to your roadmap.

While I have broad HW experience, I am not going to be able to review your schematics or layout your boards. I am happy to manage engagements with subcontractors or model shops, but I will not be able to support PCBA development directly.

Scheduled calls and/or weekly video calls. I will engage via text or Slack w/ ongoing (i.e. advisory) commitment.

I specialize in concept development, requirements, and NPI planning for early-stage hardware startups. You may have a proof of concept, but you’re figuring out how you’re going to get from there to mass production. I can bring experience from over a dozen industry-leading B2B & D2C new product introductions to help you map that journey and get the most out of your idea (in several hours a week).

Business operationsCorporate operationsEngineeringEngineering managementEntrepreneurshipGeneral managementHR/People opsLeadership coachingProduct

The clients who seem benefit most from my coaching are working in or adjacent to the tech industry. I mostly work with managers and leadership teams though not exclusively and have a number of senior PMs and technologists in my client base.

If you're job hunting, I'm less likely to be the best coach for you but feel free to reach out anyway as I'm usually happy to make introductions.

I work over video calls anywhere from weekly to bi-weekly to monthly depending on the client and their needs.

Andre is a seasoned and dedicated coach who draws on over fifteen years of leadership in high-performance, product-oriented technology teams. He got his start as a software developer at an ISP, where he turned his experiences into a technology book. His subsequent roles saw him scale as a leader, culminating in a position as the Director of Engineering for a 400-person engineering team at Riot Games. Following his success with scaling teams he moved to Director roles at Facebook and then LinkedIn. He has led product engineering across many domains and has deep experience with growing leaders, designing organizations, driving collaboration, managing change, mapping complex systems, recruiting, and leading product and technology strategies.

Product marketingProductPLG

I work with B2B SaaS products to improve customer experience. I have over 10 years of product development and management expertise. I start my collaboration by getting into the weeds with your team. I work with you to identify the most important problems for your customers. I will work with you to identify when, where, and how your customers can best discover you with my 3-step research process. I will visualize your customers' journey map to guide a product-led growth strategy. I experiment, learn, and find solutions with you.

BrandingBusiness operationsCustomer successEntrepreneurshipLeadership coachingPricing and packagingSalesGrowth

If you're looking to make a change and need a guide, let's have a conversation. If you're looking to make more money, build your own business in a better way, or make it through a tough transition, let's have a conversation. In my experience helping entrepreneurs and executives over the course of the last 15 years, I've found that the people who know that they need to make a change but feel so very stuck are the people with whom I find the most success.

If you're looking for a coach whose expertise is in fundraising, product marketing, social ads, or SEO, I recommend seeking a different coach.

I love to work with clients in a variety of ways. Virtually, in-person, bi-weekly or monthly, the structure that we create together will be determined during our first conversation.

BrandingProduct Design

Start-ups at between seed and series A that have developed a proof of concept product and don't have a senior designer on the team yet. The ideal moment is after they've raised enough funding and want to level up

Companies with mature design teams

We offer a design subscription that covers design needs like product design, website design, or marketing materials. We also offer consultations for talking strategy or design reviews.

I help early stage growth start-ups build a strong foundation by covering all the basics - product ux, brand design, and website design.

Engineering managementLeadership coachingGrowth

First-Time Engineering Leaders - Who They Are: Aspiring or newly-appointed engineering managers who are navigating the initial challenges of leadership. - Pain Points: Lack of direction, overwhelmed by multiple responsibilities, and an uncertain transition from an individual contributor role to a leadership position. - What They Seek: An accelerated trajectory to effective leadership that bypasses the common pitfalls, within 3-6 months instead of floundering for years. - Why They Choose Me: They value hands-on guidance, appreciate the importance of self-awareness, and are keen to understand and establish their managerial principles. Second-Level Managers - Who They Are: Engineering managers who have been in a leadership role but now face challenges in scaling their teams or transitioning to a more strategic mindset. - Pain Points: Stuck in operational tasks, struggling with scaling teams, need to align with broader organizational goals. - What They Seek: To evolve from an operational to a strategic mindset while learning how to scale teams effectively. - Why They Choose Me: They want to focus on long-term goals and require the techniques to achieve these while maintaining their team's performance. CTOs - Who They Are: Chief Technology Officers or high-level executives responsible for the technological direction of their companies. - Pain Points: Feel isolated in decision-making, balancing executive goals with team needs, overwhelmed by the breadth of responsibility. - What They Seek: A seasoned voice to validate their strategies, streamline execution, and optimize the engineering environment. - Why They Choose Me: I bring experience and a proven track record in fine-tuning engineering ecosystems. I serve as a confidential sounding board, helping them achieve their missions more efficiently.

Bi-weekly 1h online coaching sessions.

Hi, I’m Marian. I’m an ex-VP of Engineering and I act as Software Engineering Leadership mentor && fractional advisor. I'm located in Central Europe, Prague. How do we succeed? By supporting and guiding you to reach your #mission: • I augment Engineering managers/directors/VPs/CTOs into Leaders worth following. • I help your Leaders and teams succeed in their/your Purpose and Product. • I Hedge VCs' investment by turning their chosen startup geeks into leaders in a much shorter timeframe. • I provide fractional on-site advisory to companies, boosting you in specific areas: engineering teams audit and enhancement, product-led, powerful outcome-based engineering metrics, due diligence, structural shifts, career frameworks, and agility (with no certificates). • I teach, speak and lead a variety of workshops.

ProductPLGLeadership coachingGrowthGeneral managementEngineering management

Someone looking for short term support to level up, work through a significant milestone, or receive specific guidance and mentorship through a career evolution

Folks looking for hands on work or consulting

Case by case basis

Hands-on operator that works with a handful of Founders, product, growth, and Eng leaders and high performers at a time to provide mentorship, coaching, and guidance.

Engineering management

I work best with aspiring leaders, managers, and directors of Software Engineering or IT teams. My professional coaching may be right for you if: ✅ You can identify a specific goal or outcome you want to reach ✅ You’re ready for personal growth and change to achieve your goals ✅ You have a track record of taking personal responsibility for your success ✅ You’re willing to be open, transparent, and vulnerable in a safe environment ✅ You’re generally healthy in the area where you want to focus, and you’re looking for growth or achievement

My coaching may not be a good fit for you if: ⛔ You’re just curious about how coaching might help ⛔ You need someone else to change if you’re going to succeed ⛔ You’re looking for someone who can chart your course for you ⛔ You have things you need to keep secret, even from a private coach ⛔ You’re working with a therapist or counselor on a similar or overlapping issue, or you’re looking for healing or recovery

The standard structure is two one-hour Zoom calls per month. We'll start by identifying and clarifying the goals you want to achieve, then work together to develop, follow, and refine a plan to achieve those goals. Between calls you'll often give yourself homework assignments to achieve before the next meeting.

EngineeringEngineering managementGrowthLeadership coaching

I have experience with companies whose engineering orgs are ~250 people. I have worked with very early stage startups (i.e. founders coding), bottstrapping companies with very small teams (~15) and helped them grow. Also led ENG teams of 200-250 people myself.

I can help almost any engineering team between 0 and 250 people big. Service-based, product-based, SaaS, on-prem, etc.

Depending on the problem/company. Most of the times once a week a 1hr/1.5hr call is enough with very clear goals.

I join engineering leaders and CTOs on their hyper-growth journey. Helping them adopt SDLC best practices through coaching, mentoring and applying the latest research on the field. I have passion and a strong experience in team building, organizational climate, software architecture and technology transformation. Having gone through multiple funding stages and acquisitions have helped me gain strong experience through due diligence proceses. I'm a firm believer that a solid, happy team with a healthy work environment is the perfect stage for high-performance and transparency with the rest of the organization.

EntrepreneurshipGeneral managementLeadership coachingProductEngineering management

I work with boards, senior executives, and growing leaders that recognize the impact that individual growth and maturation have on one's ability to lead organizations. My ideal client is driven by purpose and sees leadership as a critical component of delivering on that purpose.

I am not a productivity coach, a financial advisor, a consultant, nor a trainer. I am not able to support companies and leaders looking for someone who will create work product, craft or deliver trainings, review finances or contracts, or develop work systems.

I typically work with my clients through 1-on-1 video or audio calls once every week or every other week.

I coach people who are doing difficult things that matter. The most difficult thing is usually generating the change in yourself that is necessary to create the change you wish to see in the world. My work is transformational, client-driven, and fully dynamic to meet the needs of my clients. I do not have a fixed curriculum nor a singular framework that guides our engagement. My clients trust me to provide a confidential, respectful, challenging, and novel relationship in their career and their lives that supports them in co-creating new perspectives that drive transformational change and ultimately impact in their community, whatever that community may be.

EngineeringEngineering managementEntrepreneurshipLeadership coachingProduct

Startup and scale-up leaders and founders. People who—similar to me—are reflective, compassionate, and who want to make things better.

If profit comes before people, I’m not your guy.

Regular video calls or face-to-face if we’re nearby. Email and Signal in between, as needed.

BrandingGo-to-marketProduct marketing

I specialize in driving brand growth and business performance for B2C companies through the development and implementation of marketing strategies and campaigns across multiple channels. I started my career in start-up as a the "chief of staff" for Jason Calacanis, helping him build, launch and grow Inside.com. Prior to start-ups, I was a TV news reporter and have been using my innate storytelling skills to help companies craft engaging stories about their products, their business and their people.

General managementLeadership coachingBranding

Ambitious high-performers who are in mid- to senior-level roles in corporations (of all sizes) who are feeling stuck, wanting a career pivot, or looking for ways to enhance their performance to the next level without heavy efforting. I value and welcome DEI communities who lack sponsorship and safety in their workplace, but my approach is to always be open to a first conversation with anyone who would be interested in having a chat and stay inclusive in who I work with (as long as there's a sense of chemistry and fit). The best client fit so far has been with people who are developmentally-oriented and love to learn, experiment, and put new practices into place.

People who are better suited for psychotherapy (dealing with deep depression, trauma, anxiety) with more extreme stress. People who aren't developmentally open (looking for quick fixes) in a broader sense - I do more than just provide practical advice, so there would ideally be an openness to explore deeper questions and limiting beliefs.

Bi-weekly Zoom or in-person sessions for a minimum of 10 sessions.

As a fortune 100 senior leader and certified coach, I help leaders and organizations de-bug old patterns and create practical strategies for their career and development with a holistic design. My areas of expertise include integral development coaching, team and leadership effectiveness, strategic planning, systems thinking, culture of belonging (DEI), career transitions, high-impact communications, and cultural transformations.

EntrepreneurshipFundraisingGeneral managementLeadership coaching

Everyone I coach has two things in common: they are spiritually curious + they value social justice and want to center it more in their work.

Folks disinterested in opening the Pandora's Box of existential and spiritual questions. Folks whose primary career motivation is money.

I offer two coaching programs. Both are 1:1 and offered over Zoom. Build supports founders, fundraisers and Executive Directors who are building and scaling organizations with social justice missions. Build includes 3 monthly coaching sessions and a site visit each quarter and works on a $3,500 monthly retainer (6 month minimum). Seek supports leaders going through career transitions identify the work they're called to do next. We examine your spiritual and justice commitments, your future vision, leadership strengths, and growth goals. It is 6 sessions over 4 months and costs $3,500.

I'm Alexis Morin, the founder of Soul Work Coaching. My leadership coaching support draws from my own experiences as a the cofounder and Executive Director of a national nonprofit, as a fundraiser (learned on the job and eventually raised $25MM), community organizer, growth consultant to nonprofits, and seminarian. I provide 1:1 leadership coaching for folks leading organizations with social justice missions — often nonprofits, but sometimes for profit or in government or creative sectors. We cover all the good stuff of executive coaching like your dreams and vision, skills, weaknesses, dilemmas and crises, growth strategy, fundraising, team and board relationships, steering out of burnout… and I support clients to incorporate non-dogmatic spirituality and theology into your leadership framework. I also support people changing careers who want to use your gifts and talents in more meaningful ways.

Go-to-marketGrowthPLGProductProduct Design
EntrepreneurshipGo-to-marketPLGProductProduct Design

Product and UX teams or leaders who are working on mission-driven, good for the world work. Individuals who are open to learning and orienting around customer/member/client values.

Teams and leaders who are not willing to adopt a mindset of learning, not knowing.

I tailor our coaching to client needs, how urgent the issues are, and how many people are in the coaching experience.

I help businesses and nonprofits who are doing work that makes the world better how to use the product discovery approaches used by the world's best product companies. When we understand what our goals are and what the people we serve care about, we build valuable products and services that are loved, used, and align with our objectives.

Go-to-marketLeadership coachingProductProduct marketingPLG

CEO and executive leaders, at Enterprise B2B SaaS companies, Series A through Series C.

Consumer product companies.

Weekly or biweekly meetings with executive leaders and workshops with the teams.

I offer experienced guidance for executive teams who need to focus their market strategy or mature their product functions. I guide leaders to use appropriate amounts of process to create speed and scale in the Start-Up and Scale-Up phases. I coach teams in the craft of product management to link activities to outcomes, and ensure they are always working on the highest value deliverables. Do you need to balance your sales commitments with your delivery capacity? Do you want to be Agile without getting mired in confusion or bureaucracy? Do you have too many avenues for success to choose from?

HR/People opsLeadership coaching

I work with all leaders, with an emphasis on the insurance, technology, healthcare, life science, and manufacturing industries. Leaders in transition / navigating change Analytical, highly educated leaders (e.g., scientist-leaders) Women & other historically underrecognized leaders Leaders facing imposter syndrome / perfectionism Highly passionate leaders facing burnout and/or wondering what is next Leaders seeking to build influence / emotional intelligence First-time leaders and first-time leaders of leaders

Recurring weekly/biweekly virtual meetings w/ option to include developmental leadership assessment up front

HR/People opsGeneral managementLeadership coaching

I work with any and all leaders and aspiring leaders within tech. On the advisory side, I am solid from early stage up to about 400 employees. That could mean a variety of stages funding wise.

I help entrepreneurs, leaders and People people to build and scale purposeful companies, whilst scaling themselves at the same time. I am a People and Talent expert for over two decades and Chief People Officer, and have built and rebuilt teams and cultures for companies like Shazam, Onfido and bp Launchpad. I now with a range of companies as advisor, coach and consultant. I am also building a new leadership accelerator for women called Bloom.


My ideal client is a product leader with a team large enough to support 2-5+ product managers. I can also work with folks who are the first product manager at a startup.

I like to embed myself in your world to the extent possible. If it's a purely 1:1 coaching engagement, frequency of meetings would depend on your needs. If it's helping at a team level, it's likely 1:1 intros, participation in team meetings, conducting workshops, training modules, and joining you on slack (or whatever you use). After an intro call, I will put together a proposal.

I help product management leaders and teams become more effective and deliver results through leadership coaching, designing better team structure and processes, and advising on best practices. I'm also writing a book on Stakeholder Management. Some example types of work with clients: - PM candidate screening and interviewing - Team scope and org structure - PM competency matrix creation - User research / product discovery best practices - Advising CEO and VP of product on how to work better together - 1:1 coaching for PM leaders on career development, team leadership, etc.

ProductProduct Design

Companies who are early stage, pre-Product Market Fit. CEOs or the first product manager at a company.

Bi-weekly calls to start. More frequently as needed. Am open to joining a Slack/Teams instance if that helps you.

Are you looking for a seasoned product executive with a track record of success in launching products and scaling businesses? Look no further than Juan Rafael Lopez. With over 10 years of experience managing agile product and experience design teams, Juan has helped numerous companies increase revenue and improve customer satisfaction. He is an expert in strategy, product management, UX design, user research, and design thinking.

Engineering managementHR/People opsLeadership coachingProductProduct Design
EngineeringEngineering managementGrowthLeadership coachingBusiness operations

My ideal client is a start-up and scale-up CTO who wants to successfully navigate the changes in their role as their team and company evolves and grows

My coaching programmes are flexible and personalised to who I work with. Typically we would arrange to have a regular video call (every 1, 2, 3 or 4 weeks) and I would also be available between sessions for additional support over the video call, phone, email or slack.

Leadership coachingProduct

I work with clients in two different ways: - Mid-level product leaders or aspiring product leaders (i.e. with 2+ years of experience) looking to make their next move and want help mapping out what they want, thinking through options, creating a plan and support going after it. Examples of moves: breaking into product, transitioning from big co-> startup (vice versa), leaving product, IC->manager role, etc. - PM'es at early stage startups who want more hands on product mentorship and guidance with their day to day work. This could look like thought partnership or feedback on strategy documents/roadmapping/OKR setting, frameworks for figuring out how to define and grow the product function, strategies for managing stakeholders, and building storytelling skills to land presentation.

I'm not great for people who are new grads / just starting their career.

tl;dr- I’m a leadership and product coach helping mid-level product leaders and aspiring product leaders uplevel their leadership skills while successfully navigating their career. My name is Vinamrata, and I got my start in product at Stanford as an APM intern at Google. I’ve worked on every kind of product (consumer, B2B2C, growth, monetization), In every kind of environment (20 person startup at Propel & Landis to 500 person company at Thumbtack & Match to global conglomerate at Google) , and with various product leadership roles (APM to head of product). I’ve often felt lonely in tech: as the only product person at my company, the only woman in the room, the only one who doesn’t believe in the latest Silicon Valley buzzword. I have have greatly benefitted from coaching and mentorship to grow my career, and now want to help others do the same.

EngineeringEngineering managementLeadership coachingGrowthGeneral management

People who would prefer a non-directive approach, based on active listening in order to explore what it is that they are seeking to learn and improve. Either existing leaders, or people who are seeking a management role, or another senior role and who looking to improve their skills.

Typically one hour sessions on a weekly basis, but other frequencies and length of sessions can be discussed.

Engineering managementEntrepreneurshipGeneral managementHR/People opsLeadership coachingProduct

First time leaders who have been thrown into the new role without guidance and training on what their new role entails.

Most clients start with a weekly, hour-long conversation. We'll come prepared with a list of items, topics, and questions to discuss. Over time, meetings will become less frequent. Other structures are available that we can discuss

EntrepreneurshipFundraisingGeneral managementGo-to-marketGrowthLeadership coachingBrandingPricing and packagingSales

Startup and growth stage B2B tech.

I don’t have B2C experience so my go to market strategy help is less relevant there.

Phone or video conference.

I help high growth companies craft a strategic narrative and win a market leadership position in their category (Sales Enablement, NOW CX). I have experience building the marketing, BD and sales functions. Every year we’ve hit 100% ARR growth for the past 9 years. My sweet spot is $0 - $75M of ARR. In 2021, I co-authored "Experience is Everything," a book about the future of customer service in an increasingly digital world. I cut my teeth in finance and consulting and use that analytical rigor to build a high performance marketing and sales funnels. As a musician and songwriter I enjoy performing and use my lack of stage fright as a keynote speaker, podcast host and webinar speaker (and it keeps me active on IG). I've published articles in Forbes, CMSWire and contribute as a guest blogger on multiple martech blogs. Because people buy with emotion, I believe in hero stories, content marketing and customer community. The thriving Sales Enablement community (thousands of people today) began in a windowless conference room at our first Seismic Shift annual event in 2014 with 19 people in the room. Everything starts small. I love analogies, especially related to wine, music and sports, and use them to relate marketing activities to other parts of the organization. I'm passionate about helping others build their careers. I mentor and volunteer to help those early in their careers get into tech with Harvard Student Agencies Dev and Visible Hands. I've taught workshop sessions on positioning and customer segmentation. I enjoy advising the CEOs of two startup tech companies, ValueShares, Inc. and ACTivate.

Business operationsEntrepreneurshipGeneral managementGrowthLeadership coachingPLGProductProduct Design

I have had great success with two client profiles: small business founders/startup entrepreneurs, where my coaching is broad-based, and product managers/directors, who have job-specific situations to address.

I'm probably less useful for enterprise employees, as I've never really worked in them, and don't know the cadence and politics involved in organizations with hundreds of staff at the same peer level. (At Citi, for example, I was on a team of 7 in an isolated department, and repeated efforts to find employment with the consumer bank fell flat.)

As mentioned above, a regular call cadence is great, and I'm flexible with format. My longtime mentee calls me every week by phone with the occasional in-person walk. My last two enterprise and accelerator coaching engagements were on weekly or biweekly Zoom chats. And I'm happy to be available via DM for smaller or emergency requests.

Go-to-marketPricing and packagingProduct marketingGrowth

Early or Series A, PLG, B2B SaaS companies

D2C only, Web3

Flexible and tailored to the client needs

GrowthPLGProductProduct DesignBusiness operationsPricing and packaging

Seed, series A, or series B stage startups that are just building out their product org, expanding their product line, or need help developing winning product and / or growth strategies.

I don't have a ton of experience with sales-led models.

I can be as involved as a fractional member of the team to only doing weekly calls.

ProductGo-to-marketLeadership coaching

For working with product managers - I am available to coach various stages of your product career journey For non-product founders, startups, and organizations - I am focused on working with purpose or mission-driven ventures who are actively working toward building organizations and products for greater impact (climate, social, sustainability, equity, etc) Perennial's mission is to enable impact-driven people (especially product managers and founders) and ventures to create lasting, positive change with product thinking and technology.

Lenae (and Perennial) does not provide software development. However, we have partnerships with development agencies and shops that we can partner with for your full solution delivery needs.

My coaching structure depends on the product manager's or client's goals. I do require that, at a minimum, we have an agreement of at least three months, but I will be flexible on initial coaching sessions to establish cadence. I also offer async communication as part of coaching packages.

Engineering managementEngineeringLeadership coaching

My ideal client is a Director, VP or CTO at a tech startup who is looking to address any leadership challenges, build a more inclusive team, or get to the next level in their career.

I offer a 6-month executive coaching program where the individual can book 18 sessions over that time period (so approx 3 per month). Clients also have unlimited access in slack so they can pop in whenever they have any questions or concerns.


A business over ~$1.5mm in revenue whose owner is looking to retire, sell, or step out of the business acquisition role. My clients tend to be referral based and need to find a way to continue that without the owners influence.

Clients who need more revenue, NOW. This process is slow-growing, and places an emphasis on people first. My clients tend to know what they sell and how to sell it. Their main challenge is passing that touch to someone who is not a stakeholder. It's also incredibly difficult to work with people who are less than friendly or are unwilling to accept lessons and leadership.

A mix of Zoom, In-person, email, phone, and open office hours. The process includes a fair amount of mentorship.

Product Design

Early-stage startup founders or product managers looking for UX assistance or building a UX team.

Video sessions on a weekly or biweekly basis, or one-off calls.

Leadership coaching

Open-minded and self-motivated. I've really enjoyed working with rebels, women, creatives, the underrepresented, and LGBTQ+ community members.

Someone who wants me to have their answers/want me to be the expert and just follow my advise Closed-minded people People who want to play the victim and blame others

It is up to you! I do everything from weekly phone calls, in the moment calls, scheduled bi-weekly meetings, quarterly calls and a mixture of what is needed to meet your needs. Many of my clients tend to walk or be active during sessions so they can get away from their desk and be more creative about their challenges/opportunities.

SalesGeneral managementGrowthLeadership coaching

I specialize in working with high and overachievers who are looking to get more out of their performance, impact and lives but feel lost and/or stuck. I focus on adaptive behavioral changes and mindset shifts which enable them to reach the next level across all facets of life. I tend to work most often within the tech industry, but have no industry preference. My ideal client must be interested in making changes and willing to do the work.

I don't work well with people who are exclusively looking to be told what to do with a quick fix and/or tips and tricks because I don't believe they serve and end up making people feel worse about themselves.

1:1: I meet bi-weekly for 1 hour 15 minutes via VC (or phone if preferred) using a tailored approach based on their goals and challenges (rather than a using a cookie-cutter process). I offer 3-month and 6-month packages. When I engage with teams/orgs, I work with the stakeholders to design a program that makes sense based on goals, often a series of workshops.

Leadership coaching

Usually Latin America based business or Latin American expats. For scale ups: PMs, middle managers to directors or senior ICs. For startups leadership/executive team.

Those who expect consulting or a directive approach. I do pure coaching, except for specific programs where I agree to do mentoring.

It depends on what works for the client. I adapt. The standard would be bi-weekly zoom calls but sometimes voice only or async works better.

ProductPLGGeneral managementBusiness operationsEngineering management

Startups that have product-market fit and are looking to scale their operation with portfolio planning and hiring.

On a project basis with weekly or bi-weekly check-ins ranging from 4-12 week timeframe.

General managementBusiness operationsCorporate operationsHR/People ops

I tend to work with Series A to Series E leaders, but am open to earlier and later stage clients. My work tends to focus on operations, strategy, and relational goals (working more effectively with people). I also advise on HR specific issues - like DEI, ERG formation, culture, performance management, manager development, etc.) Additionally, I help clients with personal goals like mitigating or preventing burnout and building confidence/mitigating imposter syndrome. So clients who are interested in any of those focus areas could be a good fit.

Clients who are interested in the above areas are a good potential fit. If many of their goals lie outside those bounds, they might be served better by a different coach.

Biweekly or weekly engagements are preferred but I also do ad hoc advising.

EntrepreneurshipGeneral managementProductGo-to-marketManagement

Tech companies who are at a strategic cross-road. For early stage start-ups, this means around the time of their first round when they have to define their market, target customer, user value proposition, competitive advantage. For later stage companies, this means when they need to figure out how and where to scale and whether and how to expand to adjacent customer segments and adjacent markets. For more established companies, this means when they need to set up a dedicated Business Strategy function or their market is saturated and their product commoditized and they need to either go into other verticals or invest in differentiation.

Businesses who have figured out their PMF and just need to scale in their current market. Companies who only need to reduce their costs.

It depends on the project. I am available for weekly coaching and more involved work.

EngineeringEngineering management

Ideal clients are non-technical founders, or technical founders who need help delivering their technical products. Ideally they have a proof of concept version of their application that has proven product market fit and paying customers.

Companies with bad product market fit. Companies only interesting in making money, not customer focused.

Depending on level of engagement. Active on company Slack --> part-time member of the team.

General managementBusiness operationsCustomer successFundraisingGo-to-marketProduct

- Founders, early stage pre-seed to series A - PMs, Engs, Designs at early-stage companies

- Folks at large companies. - CPOs - I haven't served this role so can coach, but not mentor - Highly technical products

Bi-weekly, with Notion comments / discussions / emails in between

ProductProduct marketingPricing and packagingPLGEntrepreneurshipGo-to-marketGrowth

B2B/B2C SaaS startups post seed to series C and intrapreneurial ventures funded/incubated within enterprise companies - Individual Product Manager: Establishing the product and/or product design functions with core charter, people, cross functional process, and technology, usually a founder and/or first product manager/leader. They already have achieved PMF, but need help ensuring continuous PFF and are looking for support on how to navigate wearing multiple hats while having to deliver measurable value. In some cases a primary challenge may be the transition of ownership from founder to product manager, - Product Organization: Maturing the product function up to a team of 30, optimizing internal team performance with best practices, scaling to support new product introduction while maintaining internal and external stakeholder alignment to achieve in-market success across the product lifecycle. Focus: Recruiting, vision, strategy, business models, product stack, roadmap prioritization, personas, competitive analysis, closed loop feedback, agile methodology/scrum, cross functional alignment, go to market, packaging, pricing, positioning, product analytics, OKRs

I don't do Social Media companies

Weekly Zoom with primary contact and guest participation from select colleagues internal to the product management and/or cross functional team. If local to San Diego, meeting in person is optional. Mid-week checkins as needed via Slack and/or email.

Leadership coachingEntrepreneurship

I seem to be most effective helping people who are either overly aggressive / macho / intense, or the opposite - pushovers, 'nice guys,' etc.

I'm not a mentor or a consultant - I rarely give prescriptions ("here's you do this thing"). So people looking for someone who's done what they're trying to do and can walk them through it - I can't help.

Meeting 2-3 times / month for approximately one hour video chat. Ideally for at least 6 months.

Leadership coachingProduct

Tech leaders in all positions

I usually start weekly meetings and often after 4-6 meetings transition to every 2 weeks. The process is usually 6-12 meetings but it varies and depends only on the client.

EntrepreneurshipGo-to-marketGrowthProduct marketingContent marketingSEOPerformance marketing

Early stage, disruptive, tech player with the desire for a solution-based, value-oriented sales approach

Would prefer to work with the above

Slacks, Zooms, occasional in-person Sessions

General managementEngineering managementEngineeringEntrepreneurship

I help engineering leaders and technical founder to gain the same level of confidence leading engineering organizations that they have working with technology. I also advise on engineering best practices, as well as engineering org design. And I'm open to fractional CTO/VPE engagements.

My clients typically start with a 3-month commitment, and then expend either on a month-to-month basis or in 3-month blocks. I offer weekly one-hour video calls—more frequently when needed, less when not—and unlimited email support between the calls.

Go-to-marketGrowthPerformance marketingSEO

An early stage B2C company that is hunting for PMF or has recently uncovered PMF. For pre-PMF fit I'd guide through customer research, developing a compelling value proposition and testing these hypothesis. For post-PMF (but still early stage) companies they might need help in strategising and testing what acquisition channels might work, how to improve conversion rate or retention rate and ultimately set them up to start scaling their channels.

Because I focus on early stage, I often find that some companies are looking for an execution person, and that's not what I offer.

It really depends on the client and their needs. At the beginning, the work is usually a bit heavier and there might be regular calls/slacks or loom videos being sent around. Once the project is establish I like doing a weekly or fortnightly call. But generally I'm also available on their slack channels .

EngineeringEngineering managementProduct

I specialize in early stage startups, seed to series C. Or bootstrapped or private companies of a similar size. My ideal client is a bright engineering leader or founder who hasn't grown or dealt with the challenges of a complex engineering organization before, who is looking for help in improving product development: making it more customer-focused, delivering better outcomes, more reliably and more quickly. They're also interested in building both a humane place to work, and a place that is effective. Most of my customers have 10+ engineers. I often find they come to me around 15-25 engineers, when things really start getting messy.

I'm typically not a great fit for crypto companies.

I typically do weekly or biweekly zoom working sessions, with one or two people participating (who participates is flexible and can change). We run through a topic or two per session. And maintain a list of potential future topics.

General managementEntrepreneurshipFundraisingGo-to-marketGrowthCorporate operations

Seed or Series A company in almost any industry, struggling with fundraising, product-market-fit, go-to-market, long-term planning, financial analysis / analytics, team harmony, or related challenges.

I'm not good with consumer products companies or companies offering solutions to climate change; it's just not my areas of expertise.

I typically do a weekly or every-other-week video call, but this is flexible depending upon need. Some clients need a lot of support for a defined period of time, and this works too.


Early-stage founders with a great vision, a lot of openness and grit to making it work. I like to work with Tasmanian devils 🌪️ motivated to turn a “meh”🤔 idea into a great venture (I care much more about this than about the idea itself). The founders I work with directly usually raised a Seed or pre-Seed round. But since I've noticed that the earlier the Product mindset is absorbed the better, I'm also partnering with (pre-)seed funds, incubators and accelerators to get in front of earlier stage founders that could benefit even more.

Founders who want to find evidences validating the idea they're in love with (and not looking to tweak it to make it work). Founders who think I have the answers or easy shortcuts for them. There is not such a thing, no one will determine your venture's success except yourselves. For this reason, I’ll fuel you with questions that you can process at the pace you decide.

Weekly/Bi-weekly calls. Tailored workshops when needed.

EntrepreneurshipFundraisingGo-to-marketPricing and packaging

SaaS companies under 100 people who need the generalist people leader to help lead a team, solve business problems, know what's next, and need help to find that specialist to come in over time and carry to the next step.

The only hard-stop for me is companies that treat people poorly. I'm in business for the sake of people, the more successful the business, the more people you can provide great work for. If you treat people horribly I don't want to be a part of it.

Weekly syncs is most common. However I also am happy to be available in Slack for certain organizations.

BrandingGrowthGo-to-marketFundraisingEngineering management

I'm fairly industry agnostic and usually work with companies from Pre-Seed to Series C. I'm an expert at implementing GTM & Growth strategies and will often rely on founders to fill in the gaps about things that are unique to their industries. I spend a great deal of my time helping founders figure out the best ways to apply my ideas and recommendations to the context of their respective industries.

Healthcare & BioTech

I'm totally flexible. I can provide coaching over the phone or via zoom. I can provide asynchronous support via slack or email. I'm also open to meeting in person, although this might involve some traveling depending on your location.

EngineeringEngineering managementGeneral management

For Mentoring / Coaching clients the phase of the company isn't relevant - the development needs of the individual are what counts. For Fractional CTO / VP of Engineering clients, or Engineering Strategy clients I am typically a good fit for 0-30-ish people companies. The domain and type of product are less relevant than the phase of the company but I do have expertise in Payments, SaaS (both B2b and B2c), security and content management.

For Mentoring / Coaching clients I'm not a good fit if the person has the support and growth networks they need already in place. For Fractional CTO / VP of Engineering clients, I am not a good fit if the company has the Engineering leadership breadth and depth they need already in place.

My most common structure is a periodic 1 hour consultative call 1-3 times / month. Typically the client will send topics a day or two ahead so that we are aligned from the beginning and get off to a quick start each hour. I'm happy to work async as well, but haven't done that in practice.

General managementBrandingEntrepreneurshipGo-to-marketGrowthHR/People opsProduct marketingLeadership coaching

Force ranked list: 1. (New) Mom reentering the workforce - any seniority, any industry, any domain. 2. (New) Parent reentering the workforce. 3. Female leaders - any industry, any domain. 4. Founders / entrepreneurs in the SaaS and/or technology space. 5. Leaders / managers in the SaaS and/or technology space. 6. Marketing managers in the SaaS and/or technology space. 7. Marketing ICs in the SaaS and/or technology space.

Someone who is not open to coaching and/or transformational growth. Someone who is not open to being vulnerable and introspective.

Flexible, but generally bi-weekly 60-minute sessions over Zoom. I provide a complimentary 30-minute chemistry call.

General managementGrowth

Someone who has crested $1M in revenue, has started building their management team and needs help being the leader that team needs. They need to get out of the weeds and into the helicopter!

Very early stage, haven't found their product-market fit and are still looking for a business model.

2X per month zoom is typical, but I have some who work more frequently, some less.

General managementEngineering managementEntrepreneurshipProductHR/People ops

Ideal customers are well-funded (Series B+) and growing organizations that are going through significant organizational change.

Biweekly video sessions with follow up questions via email + participation in their slack/teams channels.

General managementProductEngineering management

My ideal client has a clear vision for what they want from our relationship. That might be to challenge them, to act as an impartial third party who can look at what they doing and push them to do things better. They might need a sounding board, someone to bounce ideas off before they're fully formed, and to help shape them so they're ready for more public consumption. Or they might need a personal coach, an ally who will, without judgement, give them the space to do their best thinking on whatever is most important to them at that moment. My clients vary from product leaders and start-up founders to new graduates and career-changers.

I am a person-oriented coach, so in my coaching sessions a lot of the "work" is about exploring the client's experiences and feelings around the situation to help them make decisions that better serve their goals. I believe that my clients are entirely capable of making good decisions - they might just need a bit of help working out what direction to take. All of this is to say, you'll get out of coaching what you put in. If you want someone to flat-out tell you what to do, I won't be a good fit.

I typically have calls on a regular structure, whether weekly, fortnightly, or monthly. We'll have an initial (free) conversation about your goals and to see if we're a good match for each other, and then we'll go from there.

General managementGo-to-marketGrowthProduct
SalesGo-to-marketGrowthBrandingPricing and packaging

Earlier stage. Especially anyone building a PLG motion or anyone that is looking to start by selling into technology companies.

I can't help people that are focused on a really niche or technical industry that I don't really have experience.

Open to what is needed, but probably start with more frequent meetings, possibly weekly, then move to bi-weekly or monthly as time goes on.

General managementEntrepreneurshipGo-to-marketPricing and packagingSalesGrowthPLG

5-100 employee, VC-backed B2B SaaS companies (typically Seed to Series C)

B2C only, completely PLG w/no sales org

Flexible and tailored to the client

General managementEntrepreneurshipHR/People ops

Have you heard org design and development coaches and consultants talk about "putting the right butts in the right seats on the bus"? I build the bus. Whether the focus is operating models or process maps, my engagements are generally project based with clear deliverables clients can use immediately to take their businesses to the next level. I am an experienced leader with a demonstrated history of growing and managing diverse, high performing, technical and operational teams. When you are looking for a strong consulting professional skilled in Organizational Development, Business Planning, Management, Competitive Analysis, and Leadership, send me a message!

General managementEntrepreneurshipGo-to-marketSalesFundraising

I specialize in pre-seed, seed, and Series A B2B companies. I have worked with and helped grow businesses across multiple verticals, including web conferencing, 5G optimization, product management software, database technology, and (of course) cybersecurity.

I am not a good fit for B2C companies or founders not focused on building a B2B sales/growth engine (yet).

I spend an hour via web conference every other week with them, coupled with check-in calls (usually about a half hour) on the "off" weeks and ad-hoc coaching/mentoring (via email, Slack, SMS, etc.) any time that it's required and/or helpful.

General managementCustomer successEntrepreneurshipGo-to-marketHR/People opsProductSales

Pre-seed to early Series A. I find that I provide the highest value for clients that have a vision, technical expertise, but lack operational, people management and business management experience. My clients might have junior/mid-ICs in the operational space across all non-technical functions, who need mentorship, guidance, and supporting planning for execution across all non-technical functions. I trend towards helping female founders, as that is a passion of mine, but am open to any introductions where it is the right fit. I'm also a PMP and can help leaders that have "well-defined" (as well as it can be at early stages) strategic projects.

Teams that have senior leadership dedicated to operational functions; teams that do not prioritize sound and solid business foundations, people management, organizational structure in order to optimize stability and ultimate growth and scale for the company. Tech and product are super important, but solidarity in other functions is what can truly accelerate growth, from hiring the best in class people, to proactive customer support and relationship management.

I find I need at least 4-6 hours / week to engage, get up to speed and effectively coach and support execution. Hours spent can be a tiered approach (more in the beginning, tapered towards the end).

HR/People opsGrowthGo-to-marketEntrepreneurshipGeneral managementPricing and packaging

Industry: healthcare, edtech, future of work, B2B SaaS, consumer tech Stage: pre-seed, seed, Series A, Series B, Series C

Deeply technical companies with a need for strong industry expertise (e.g., biotech)

I'm happy to be flexible - can provide coaching over the phone, zoom, asynchronous support (slack/email/text). I have also traveled to meet and support executives in person.


Seed to Series C

I'm very flexible and tailor my coaching to each client.

BrandingGo-to-marketPricing and packagingProduct marketing
ProductGrowthPricing and packagingPLG

SaaS B2B startups who are close to or have found product market fit and are looking to accelerate their growth (Series A+).

Large enterprises, merger-acqusition stage companies, or "grey-area" products (data re-sellers, platforms that offer restricted products like cigarettes, alcohol, or others). I can coach and consult with B2C or physical goods businesses but it isn't my strong suit.

I prefer a more integrated method and therefore choose wisely with how many I may have on the go at one time. Usually I will require access to data and have no problem signing NDAs so I can do my best work. Clients typically welcome my higher fees as I'm more integrated into their business when I work with them. Typical engagements are 3 months with an initial heavy lift from the client of workshopping and goal setting. Once defined I lean on the agile methodology with weekly "retros" or updates from all engaged stakeholders. I usually want to collaborate async (loom videos) and through slack but can do weekly syncs if client prefers. Typically my outputs are a miro board and a strategic document giving my clients 3-12 months of runaway of where I recommend where they should be investing their time and money as a business.

SalesProduct marketingGo-to-marketGrowthPricing and packaging


I'm happy to help anyone who needs help with GTM, messaging, product marketing, sales process and enablement.

I'm flexible

ProductGeneral managementEntrepreneurshipGo-to-marketHR/People ops

I charge $250 per hour for meetings, phone calls, and video calls (fractional is OK, e.g., $125 for 30 minutes). I generally don't have any weekly or monthly minimums, and I don't require any commitments upfront. For $1,000 per month, you can add me to your Slack, email, ATS, etc. and I can provide asynchronous coaching and support.

My ideal client is a founder or solo product manager at a very early stage company who is looking for the kind of support they would get from a weekly 1:1 with a manager...if they had a manager who understood what product management is all about. I also help with recruiting and hiring, org design, and general executive and managerial challenges. I generally don't do fractional product management.

I don't generally provide fractional services. I don't know anything about or have much interest in crypto or Web3. I'm less helpful with larger companies or later stage startups.

My clients generally start with a weekly, hour-long phone call.

General managementSalesGo-to-marketCustomer successProduct marketing

For ongoing advisory/coaching/mentoring, we generally work on what we call a subscription retainer model - basically a pay-for-access model, with a monthly fee, but with no commitment. For people to stay with us, we have to show value. Fees vary depending on the expected average access per month, but start at a minimum of $USD2000/month and we have clients paying up to $10,000/month. We do have a capacity of clients we can work with at any one time. We are also open to equity for service arrangements when it's the right fit for us and the founders. You can read more in the PDF here https://7ae1a756-d016-45c0-9ea8-91b843ceb2d7.usrfiles.com/ugd/7ae1a7_0c4cd27e7a744963bba7cbfde30bcfd6.pdf

Usually early stage SaaS companies. Typically - pre-product market fit, pre revenue or minimal revenue - early product market fit, consistent revenue, need to scale - Raised family and friends round, seed round or maybe series A - B2B or B2C - Sales led or PLG - Focus on working with sales, marketing, customer success and general operations/management leaders/managers - We often work with "firsts": The first sales hire, the first CS hire, the first growth marketing hire etc. Or work with leadership teams looking to hire these firsts. - I personally specialise across marketing/sales/customer success/leadership and culture.

Not as strongly focused on Engineering and product management. Less impactful for folks who are already seasoned sales or marketing professionals, except in the case where it may be their first "startup" experience. Tend to avoid crypto

We work in whatever way works best for clients. Mostly that's a combination of scheduled calls, ad-hoc calls/mesaging and asynchronous comms (often we're added to clients Slack/Teams etc). Our pay-for-access model means that we'll be there when you need us, not only on a rigid schedule.

General managementEntrepreneurshipSalesGo-to-marketGrowthPricing and packaging

I typically do a monthly cost depending on the number of sessions. I typically recommend a weekly session for 4-6 Weeks, depending on complexity, and then drop to bi-weekly. Cost is flexible for a cash and/or equity arrangement.

My ideal client is a young (often first time) entrepreneur that is approaching a series A capital raise. Enough of an idea or concept that has a few shoots of success, and now they want to swing bigger. I am best used early stage to accelerate GTM and Sales processes. Often take Frac CRO roles to assist.

I prefer Fintech, checkouttech, foodtech, robotics, AR/VR et al. I can do physical retail and CPG as well. Preference is around team and people rather than sector.

Typical structure is a weekly call. I can do onsite for off-site facilitation etc.