Sean Gillispie

What kind of coaching do you do?
Go-to-marketGrowthProductProduct marketing
Ideal client & kinds of help/problems you like to solve

Our ideal client is a B2B services organization that is committed to productizing services to deliver scalable offerings. Clients range from 100 employees to Fortune 500 clients.

Preferred coaching structure

Coaching is included as part of the overall advisory solution, which also includes access to a 12 week accelerator, peer groups, a knowledge portal, and a set number of workshops. Coaching typically occurs as a recurring weekly or bi-weekly check-in, but we can ramp up or down based on your needs.

Who can't you help?

We are not set up to support tech startups, services solopreneurs, or B2C organizations.

In your own words

As a part of Vecteris, I support B2B services organizations to productize their offerings. This includes identifying the right opportunities to productize, how to market test the opportunity (product discovery), how to build the solution, how to go to market, and how to transform the culture to create a product-friendly organization that can drive ongoing innovation.
