Learn about Fintech

Learn about Fintech

Some books to start:

  • Payments Systems in the US: A Guide for the Payments Professional, by Carol Coye Benson and Scott Loftesness (Author | Amazon | Kindle)
  • Anatomy of the Swipe, by Ahmed Siddiqui (Author | Amazon | Kindle)
  • Fintech, Small Business & the American Dream: How Technology Is Transforming Lending and Shaping a New Era of Small Business Opportunity, by Karen Mills (Author | Amazon | Kindle)


It’s hard to keep track of everything happening in Fintech. But if you can handle it, these thirteen (13?!) newsletters will do a great job of keeping in you in the know.

  1. https://fintechbusinessweekly.substack.com/
  2. https://sytaylor.substack.com/
  3. https://netinterest.substack.com/
  4. https://fintechtoday.substack.com/
  5. https://thisweekinfintech.substack.com/
  6. https://lex.substack.com/
  7. https://fintechtldr.substack.com/
  8. https://www.forbes.com/sites/ronshevlin/feed/
  9. https://finledger.com/
  10. https://newsletter.fintechtakes.com/
  11. https://fintechacrossthepond.substack.com/
  12. https://aika.substack.com/
  13. https://defimullet.substack.com/

Not specifically fintech and much more heavily focused on general finance but we should all be reading https://www.bloomberg.com/account/newsletters/money-stuff.


Slacks and other communities

Both Lenny’s Slack and Rands Leadership Slack (listed on my main resources page) have active channels for fintech. In addition:

😅 I provide coaching and support to founders and solo PMs. You can grab time with me!